Tuesday 22 June 2021

Use Emirates ID at Dubai airport to show vaccination, PCR result

Emirates Id or passport scanner Vaccination cards or PCR result reports are no longer needed to carry physically in Dubai airport for verifi...

Emirates Id or passport scanner

Vaccination cards or PCR result reports are no longer needed to carry physically in Dubai airport for verification. This has been possible due to the Digitisation programme and paperless strategy.

Emirates Id can now use by passengers flying out Dubai to show their Covid vaccination status and PCR check report, Emirates airline has announced.

The collaboration agreement between Emirates airline and Dubai Health Authority was declared on the first day of the Arab Health 2021 at the Dubai World Trade Centre where both teams has stand.

In accordance with the Dubai’s paperless strategy, staff at the Emirates airline’s stand at Arab Health displayed the process of how they can find out the passengers’ Covid-19 vaccination and PCR status by simple scanning of Emirates ID at the check-in counters at Dubai Airport.

“When the passenger comes to the check-in counter, they will be asked to scan their Emirates ID and that will show on our screens if their vaccination is complete – means if they have taken both the doses; and if their PCR test result is valid (has been done within the stipulated time before travelling). This will do away with the need of physically carrying their vaccination cards or PCR result reports, making the check-in process faster and smoother,” said Olha Solod, an Emirates airline agent at the stand.

As soon as the Emirates ID is scanned, it discloses the name of the vaccine taken by the passenger, the date when the second dose was given and also the place where the passenger received his or her dose.

The Emirates ID scan is not mandatory and is just a ‘smart’ option for passengers to breeze through the check-in counters, saving their time and also the effort of the staff, who would otherwise have to see the passengers vaccination cards and verify them.

For now, the staff said that the airline system is accepting only three DHA-approved vaccinations – Pfizer, Sinopharm and Astrazeneca.

“Also, for tourists who do not have an Emirates ID, we can scan their passport, and in case their vaccination is DHA-approved, the system will reflect that. If not, then they will have to present their vaccination card or online link to their card. Their PCR test will also be reflected through the passport scan,” she explained.

The staff assured that although they will be scanning the Emirates ID of passengers, there will be no breach of privacy as the airline will only use the vaccination details and discard all personal details of the passenger.

The Emirates staff also recommended all passengers to download the newly-introduced International Air Transport Association (Iata) digital travel pass, which is a mobile app that enables passengers to create a digital passport to provide proof of their testing and vaccination history that can be shared with airlines and immigration officials.

“Once the passenger uploads his documents on the Iata app (it only works on iPhones for now), it will allow them to get accurate information on the Covid-19 restrictions, quarantine rules of the country they are flying to, inform them on what tests, vaccines and other measures they require prior to travel as well as details on where they can get tested,” Sohod said.

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